if statement - Python calculating letter grades - Stack Overflow
Mar 23, 2018 · Returning a letter grade given a grade-scale and a student's GPA. 2. python function calculate grades. 20.
Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores ...
Feb 24, 2017 · calc_average - takes a list of grades as an argument and displays the average of the scores, along with a letter grade equivalent to that average. main - asks the user to enter five test scores and puts them as numbers into a list; showLetters – echo prints scores entered by the user with letter grade equivalents
How can I use a switch () statement to convert from a numeric to a ...
Oct 8, 2009 · First off, if your function is to take a grade as an integer and return a letter grade, why does it have a return type of double? After dealing with that, here is a hint: The grade could range from 0 to 100, so that is 101 cases to handle in your switch statement. So you could write out all 101 cases if you wanted.
Returning a letter grade given a grade-scale and a student's GPA
I'm working on an assignment where I want to return a letter grade based on a grade-scale and a student's GPA. I was able to successfully create a function that calculates a student's GPA and returns it, but I'm having trouble returning the corresponding letter grade. Here is …
Grading Scale in Python Without Decision Statements
Nov 16, 2016 · [letter for letter, rnge in grades.items() if grade in rnge][0] This is a list comprehension, in which we iterate through each (key, value) tuple in the list returned by grades.items() and see if the submitted grade falls in the range of a given letter grade. Since there is no overlap in the ranges, this list will have one element.
calculate percentage and grade from input file in awk
Oct 8, 2019 · I want to calculate the weighted grade (total earned points divided by total possible points) for each student and output a list of students, their grade as a percentage and a letter grade. Letter grade scale is as follows: A = 90 >= grade <= 100 B = 80 >= grade < 90 C = 70 >= grade < 80 D = 60 >= grade < 70 E = grade < 60 Output format:
Simple Python code to assign corresponding letter to number grade
May 1, 2018 · The print() statement inside lettergrade() will only print out the grade, so change each print statement to `print('LETTER:' + value). In addition, the method lettergrade() will only print out one thing, so there needs to be a loop to call it multiple times, with multiple values:
Java Grade class, letter grade to number - Stack Overflow
May 24, 2013 · I'm writing a program that takes a letter grade. You'd get 4.0 for A, 3.0 for B, and so forth. If you enter B+ or B-, it will take subtract .3 or add .3 respectively (so B+ would be 3.3).
I'm struggling to make the function work on my code. I'm missing …
Feb 19, 2019 · Enter grade 1: 65 Enter grade 2: 80 Enter grade 3: 90 Enter grade 4: 71 Enter grade 5: 85 65 is D 80 is B 90 is A 71 is C 85 is B The average is: 78.2 which is C this is what i did so far but im struggling on some parts so that i get the output shown. here's what i …
c - Changing an integer grade into a character grade using a …
Sep 9, 2021 · Using the switch statement, write a program that converts a numerical grade into a letter grade: Enter numerical grade: 84 Letter grade: B Use the following grading scale: A = 90-100, B = 80-89,...