It is his former deputy Teklewold Atnafu who replaces the governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), Dubale Jale since the beginning of March. Dubale was at the head of the Ethiopian central ...
Former Tanzanian ambassador to France Weidi Mwasakafyuka, now retired, was questioned by Dar es Salaam police for three hours on November first about newspaper articles he wrote for the ...
Just four weeks before Kenya's general elections on December 29, head of state Daniel arap Moi has named the chairman of the national electoral commission, justice Zaccheus Chesoni, 61, to be Kenyan ...
For the first time in the history of the Kenya Planters Co-operative Union (KPCU), the oldest farming organization of the country has elected a woman managing director, following the departure of ...
Three of Kenya's five new ambassadors recently named by head of state Daniel arap Moi are career diplomats: Ms. Esther Mshai Tolle (named ambassador to Japan), Ms. Kipkorir Azad Rana (named permanent ...
The next meeting between Darfur fighters in Libya and the Sudanese army is set to take place in Doha in early March. Following two previous meetings between fighters from the so-called "Democratic ...
The drilling work will be easy to cover. A large number of the junior's board members, including chairman Terry Stanley, work at Oresearch Drilling Group, a drilling firm that is very active in Guinea ...
A long-time militant of Eritrean People's Liberation Front has been named ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Organization of African Unity. Girma Asmerom Tesfay replaces Haile ...
A French national born in Madagascar to which he returned in 1991, Bruno De Foucault was this week named vice-chairman of Groupement des Entreprises Malgaches (GEM). This Zanatany born at Antananarivo ...