Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi lodged a police complaint against a social media user for offensive remarks and a YouTube channel for unauthorized use of her film stills in a video.
Thiruvananthapuram: Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi on Wednesday lodged a complaint with the police against an individual who allegedly made offensive comments about her on social media ...
T'puram: The campaigns against cybercrimes appear to have made an impact with the numbers in the district reducing in the last two months. Thiruvananthapuram cyber police station used to register ...
Mura, a Malayalam action thriller directed by Muhammad Musthafa and penned by Suresh Babu, boasts a talented cast including Hridhu Haroon, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Krish Hassan, Maala Parvathi ...
v=btEgr48QE2I The film stars Hridhu Haroon, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Krish Hassan, Maala Parvathi, and Kani Kusruti. Despite its high-octane plot, which centres around a group of young men attempting a ...
Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi seeks action over offensive social media comments Maala Parvathi stated that she had already deposed before the magistrate and given her statement. PTI ...
Featuring Suraj Venjaramoodu, Hridhu Haroon, and Maala Parvathi, the film revolves around four friends caught in a dangerous heist that spirals out of control. Available in Malayalam, Tamil ...
Featuring Suraj Venjaramoodu, Hridhu Haroon, and Maala Parvathi, the film revolves around four friends caught in a dangerous heist that spirals out of control. Available in Malayalam, Tamil ...
Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi has filed a police complaint against an individual for making offensive online comments and a YouTube channel for using her movie stills. The cyber police have ...
Malayalam actress Maala Parvathi has lodged a complaint with the police against an individual who allegedly made offensive comments about her on social media, as well as a YouTube channel that created ...