Trump proposed a 10 percent tariff on energy products from Canada, but he announced yesterday that it would be paused until ...
IT has recently been reported 1 that Justi has found uranium to become superconducting at 1·25° K. About a year ago, I looked for superconductivity in a very pure sample of uranium using the ...
The highest uranium assay from float samples returned 31.13% U 3 O 8 sourced from the Tundra Showing, and the highest assay result for an outcrop sample returned 2.52% U 3 O 8 sourced from the ...
VIENNA, Feb 26 (Reuters) - Iran's stock of uranium close to weapons grade has jumped since it announced a dramatic acceleration in enrichment in December and there has been no progress on ...
The world is experiencing a nuclear energy renaissance, with global capacity expanding and driving a significant increase in uranium demand. China and Russia have secured substantial uranium ...
JAEA has been analyzing the sample at a facility in Ibaraki Prefecture ... which are produced by the fission reaction of uranium, were also found. The debris measures around 9 millimeters by ...
successfully performing a co-extrusion demonstration of a coupon sample consisting of an alloy of depleted uranium and zirconium with an outer cladding made of nuclear-grade zirconium alloy ...
The IAEA also estimated in its quarterly report that as of Feb. 8, Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 8,294.4 kilograms (18,286 pounds), which represents an increase of 1,690 ...
Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to near weapons grade has grown sharply since it announced a dramatic acceleration in December and there has been no progress on resolving outstanding issues ...