This story is part of your SHN+ subscription The senior living industry is in 2025 laser-focused on meeting the wants and needs of the baby boomer ...
From job-hopping to avocado toast, here’s what Millennials do that Boomers just can’t wrap their heads around.
Freddie Smith suggests that "basic survival used to be far more affordable" in the 1980s, but that costs have skyrocketed in ...
Millions of US boomers are refusing to give their $84 trillion in real estate, wealth away to their adult kids — here’s why ...
Parents are slowly transferring trillions of dollars to their New York City children, one down payment and Via Carota tab at ...
VP JD Vance, 40, made history on as the first of his generation in the role. His moment highlights another generation's ...
For young Australians, breaking into the housing market feels tougher than ever. Many now fear they'll never be able to own a ...
Social Security gets the bulk of its funding from payroll taxes. And while that revenue stream is set to continue, in the ...
When you reflect on the times baby boomers were growing up post-war, you might look back on them with envy. Everything was ...
I was radicalized when I was relatively young about labels that describe my age. When I was in my 20s, people my age who were well-educated and affluent were called “yuppies.” I was not a yuppie, ...
Boomers would rather compete with younger generations than share their resources and help them secure their futures.
Seeing that the means to get to retirement are changing, millennials are shifting strategies. Americans are now looking for a ...