Hayama, a beach town one hour away from Tokyo, is home to the Imperial Villa, charming cafes, a commanding view of Fuji, ...
I finished the last half of Shōgun, James Clavell’s 1200-page 1975 historical novel, on my recent vacation, riveted the enti ...
Of course, there’s the original TV adaptation of Shōgun from 1980, which I was surprised to find that you can stream on Amazon. Richard Chamberlain stars as Blackthorne and the legendary Toshiro ...
Once Princess Sen starts her killing spree to defame the Tokugawa house, Hideyori and Naomori become the only two characters worth caring about, and both characters are killed off by about the 40 ...
Are you eager to learn what the best characters in the game are? Then our Idle Huntress tier list will give you all the information you need in order to put together some powerful teams, no matter the ...