Absenteeism, ineffective reading curriculums, and lack of support for teachers contribute to the dismal scores.
When used well, tech tools can reveal where students are struggling, highlight their progress, and challenge and inspire them ...
Students' reading scores have hit record lows, with boys' scores falling furthest. Pleasure reading could help.
For the past few weeks, NBC 10 has been sharing about the READBowl. It’s a free, global reading competition where teams of ...
A study showed that elementary and middle school students aren't making sufficient progress to recover the learning losses ...
That is one bright spot: Idaho fourth and eighth graders had higher proficiency rates than their national peers in reading ...
Maine students last year had the lowest average math and reading scores since 1992, the first year the test was administered, ...
Schools in Tennessee rank just above the national average in reading scores, according to the U.S. Department of Education's ...
Today’s student are America’s future workers, but new data show their reading skills have fallen, and math skills aren’t improving. This data should concern employers.
While the highest-performing students started to regain lost ground, lower-performing students fell further behind.
Changes to state standardized tests have made it difficult to compare how Texas students are doing in school in recent years, but national tests known as the Nation’s Report Card can provide clarity.
Nearly every other state’s lower chamber conducts roll calls with an electronic voting system, said the sponsors of a new House bill.