The really hard thing about listening to what they were going to do to his body, says Farrell, was that he had no symptoms of the oesophageal cancer he had been diagnosed with. In his head ...
The latest stats show that oesophageal cancer is particularly prevalent among Brits. As its name suggests this disease affects the oesophagus - the pipe that connects your mouth to your stomach.
When the laser shines onto the tissue, it changes colour for healthy or diseased ... Almost nine in 10 people diagnosed with oesophageal cancer at stage 1 in England survive their cancer for ...
In recognition of Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month, the Bolton resident, now aged 40, recounted how doctors discovered she had oesophageal cancer - a deadly disease that claims over 8,000 lives ...
A CAMPAIGN warning that persistent heartburn could be a sign of oesophageal cancer has been launched in Dorset. Heartburn Cancer UK and NHS Wessex Cancer Alliance have joined forces to raise ...
A multi-site study, backed by an $8 million NIH grant, will evaluate the effectiveness of Lucid Diagnostics' EsoCheck and ...