Classics students spend most of their time reading Greek and Latin texts in the original languages ... with classical texts not only heightens a student’s sensitivity to literature and involves her in ...
The major in Greek and/or Latin Language and Literature provides in-depth investigation and understanding of classical texts. You need to take: If you are taking a different class in another ...
This list is intended to help you prepare for the Latin PhD preliminary examination. That exam is a test of your competence in Latin and your familiarity with the field of Latin literature, rather ...
Provides links to many sites relevant to Ancient Greek and Latin literature, as well as Greek and Roman art ... The home page for Princeton's course on Classical Mythology. This page is under ...
If modern literature is the field to which he turns, he may some day be sorry that he did not take enough Classics in college at least to acquire a reading knowledge of Greek and Latin and to ...
looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum ...
He offers a diverse range of courses in Greek and Latin literature, classical receptions, and comparative literature. Dr. Robert Chenault is an expert in the later Roman Empire, focusing on the city ...