Some Muggles would have made great wizards, and magic could have improved their lives or those of their offspring.
Muggles have little to no defense against even the simplest of spells. While there are laws to protect Muggles, wizards have gotten away with a lot.
Starring as the extra schoolgirl on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the former child actress admitted she was only paid £35 a day. In her viral TikTok post, she revealed that she remembered ...
Latecomers are seated at the discretion of management. Adventure runs in the family. When Harry Potter’s head-strong son Albus befriends the son of his fiercest rival, Draco Malfoy, it sparks an ...
Harry potter goblet on sale of fire lego set, Lego Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Lego Harry Po Flickr on sale Lego Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Lego Harry Po Flickr LEGO Harry Potter and ...
2004 Movie"Something wicked this way comes." Watch in Movie Theaters on June 4th, 2004 - Buy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie Tickets Watch on DVD or Blu-ray starting November 23rd ...
Enter the wizarding world... Harry Potter finds that the future of magic could rest with him when he helps form a secret training group to fight Lord Voldemort.