Considered one of the oldest cultivated plants, onions are thought to have originated in Central Asia. Green onions, also ...
Weeding: Onions do not compete well with weeds, as their leaves will not shade out competitors. Weeds can also increase moisture around the plant, increasing the risk of fungal or bacterial disease.
How to Plant Onions in Fall Both sets and slips (young plants) need four to six weeks to establish tops and roots before frost sets in. Find the first frost date in your zone and back time to find ...
Intelligent weeders have been the most effective new weed control tools that have been developed in recent years.
We also explain how to sow onion seeds, plant sets and grow healthy plants that are ready to harvest in summer. Onions need plenty of time to grow so it's best to sow them early in the year in January ...
c. Bollen tractor equipped with sprayer at work in onion field. Spraying with 2% sulfuric acid at 80 g.p.a. Three rows at a time, 1 nozzle per row. The piles of pulled weeds are wheat plants sowed for ...
Weed regularly and water sparingly. Harvest as soon as the foliage starts to yellow. Regular weeding is essential - because of the way their leaves are held upright, onions aren't good at ...