Shogun is an FX original mini-series set in 17th Century Japan. Shogun follows John Blackthorne, who becomes a samurai warrior but is unknowingly a pawn in Yoshii Toranaga's plan to become Shogun.
From the majestic setting of feudal Japan and some pretty thrilling battle scenes to the intricate storytelling and incredible performances, Shōgun is a sweeping epic that captivates throughout all 10 ...
Here is a list of all the awards won by Hiroyuki Sanada: Hiroyuki Sanada’s most recent role as Lord Yoshii Toranaga in the ...
Even with Anna Sawai, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Tadanobu Asano all taking home Golden Globes recently, the details of Shogun Season 2 are still a bit murky. Here's everything we know about the return of ...