Simply pour your ready-made tea into your clean and dry brewing vessel and add your SCOBY and starter tea to the mix. The ...
Once you've found someone with a SCOBY looking for a new home, seal it in a clean glass jar with at least two cups of starter tea (the mature kombucha from the previous batch). Once home ...
The plain, original flavor contains just four ingredients — black or green tea, sugar, a starter of aged kombucha, and SCOBY, which is the culture of bacteria, yeast, and enzymes that turns the ...
2. Remove the SCOBY and set it aside in a small bowl with about 1 cup of kombucha (this will be your starter tea for the next ...
Starting your kombucha brewing adventure requires a SCOBY, which you can get from a friend who already brews or purchase ...
Kombucha (pronounced kom-booch-a) is not the only scoby drink, kefir sodas do the ... yeast), sourdough bread (from a wild yeast/bacteria starter) and kimchi, the Korean cabbage pickle along ...