Prachi Singh, a content creator on Instagram, shared that she missed the concert after her tickets were put in the trash. She informed netizens that her maid claimed of throwing the Coldplay ...
Prachi Singh posted on her Instagram account that she had purchased two tickets for the show. However, while she was leaving her home, she realised her maid threw the ticket bands away in the ...
Prachi Singh, a fan who was eagerly anticipating the concert, took to Instagram to share a heartbreaking tale about how she lost her Coldplay tickets just before the event. In her post ...
Bharti Singh and Harsh Limbachiyaa had guests Manoj Bajpayee and Prachi Desai on the latest episode of their podcast. The ...
Dangal is coming up with a new show that would be bankrolled by Rashmi Sharam Telefilms starring Simba Nagpal. Prachi Pathak ...