Jesus Christ, the Crucified. The Cross-event became a burning heart-throb of Paul’s preaching, the burning thorn-hush that never is extinguished. What does Bultmann say about the substitutionary ...
save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” For Paul the Cross was always at the center. For us too it can occupy no other place. Significant also is the Apostle’s statement of the manner of his ...
This Via Crucis was celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday in 1991 ... over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus, and carrying the cross himself he went out to what is called ...
Paul's congregations ... in these early Christian groups. The people who are named, whom we can identify, have the further characteristic that they seem to cross various boundaries, they're ...
John Paul II notes that “Christ also becomes in a particular way united to the man, Paul, through the cross” (SD, 20). Paul reveals to us the paradox of the cross. To be crucified usually ...