A snow cave on McKinley ... an account of this expedition called Minus 148 - The First Winter Ascent of Mount McKinley, which is well worth reading. We will publish Part II tomorrow.
As one of his first acts in office, President Trump ordered that the mountain be renamed Mount McKinley in January ... a dark world of rock, ice, and snow on the flank of Mount Adams in Washington ...
And so, in the kind of random act that so often accompanies the colonial naming of geographic “discoveries,” Dickey and his comrades decided to bestow the name McKinley upon the huge peak. It caught ...
Informally, Alaskans have called the snow-covered mountain Denali, its Native name, for decades. President McKinley, who was from Ohio, never set foot in the state. You can track the resolution ...
In 1967, Mount McKinley (Denali) witnessed two pivotal ... Experienced alpinists might have better gauged the risk or built snow caves. Another problem could be that the team divided on the ...