Rare sighting of Cerberus rynchops in Assam's floodplains prompts further study by herpetologists and snake rescuers.
In a forest of southern China, a 2-foot-long creature with “large” eyes moved along the ground. Something about the “cute” animal caught the attention of nearby rangers — and for good ...
A Peters’s keelback snake (Hebius petersii) specimen from the NUS Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum’s collections. The species is extinct in Singapore. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
India is home to a variety of snakes, and while many are venomous, there are also several non-poisonous species. These snakes are harmless to humans and play important roles in controlling pests like ...
Revealing active behaviour that adds to our understanding of the nature of a species. Bhavya Joshi (India) records the drama as keelback snakes seize fish that are trying to outpace the water currents ...
It raises and displays about 1,000 snakes of around 50 species, including “habu,” mamushi and the “yamakagashi” tiger keelback. Researchers there study the ecology of snakes and collect ...