Lying on the ground near the center of Stonehenge, partially covered by two huge slabs that appear to have toppled over, is a ...
For centuries, scientists have been trying to determine who built Stonehenge. Today, the leading theory is that several ...
Flagstones, an ancient monument and burial ground in England, is older than Stonehenge, a new radiocarbon-dating study finds.
New research suggests that, as well as being a probable centre for the veneration of the Sun, Stonehenge was also a fertility temple. A detailed study of a partly buried fallen stone at the monument ...
Initially, its similarities to Stonehenge had archeologists and historians assuming that Flagstones must be of a similar date ...
An ancient burial site has been revealed to be the earliest known large circular enclosure in Britain. Archaeological ...
Dr Susan Greaney, a specialist in Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments, in Exeter’s Department of Archaeology and History, said ...
These are the world’s oldest landmarks still standing, relics that defy the erosion of millennia. From the enigmatic pillars ...
As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...
Archaeologists have determined that the stone circle monument in Dorset, UK is older than previously thought, dating back to ...