Ninety-two years ago, the American Goldfinch became Iowa’s state bird. Today, Iowans are calling for a state horse, fish and ...
The fourth detection was in Sac County in northwestern Iowa on Feb. 19, where 29,665 turkeys were destroyed and the second in ...
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird released a report Monday about the deadly shooting Daniel Joseph James Palenik by two Iowa ...
A backyard flock in Dallas County was the first known infection in more than two weeks in Iowa poultry. March and April are busy months for migrating birds that might carry the virus.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship says this case is out of a commercial pullet farm in Buena Vista ...
U.S. citizens were counted in Iowa’s 2024 general election, according to Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate. He said 277 ...
The current Clean Air Act allows the sale of 10% ethanol blended fuels, but ag and liquid fuel industry leaders are pushing for wider acceptance of a 15% blend known as E15, sometimes seen at the pump ...
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird released a statement Friday following the announcement that the Trump administration would ...
Recent actions by the Pennsylvania and Iowa state attorneys general (AG) suggest increasing regulatory scrutiny of bitcoin transaction machines ...
It's got the attention of the state's top cop who said ... send through their machines, One Iowa woman's money is among the $20 million, and she shared why AG Bird's incentives to crack down ...