Last year, Japan’s export of green tea, which includes matcha ... Glass: So it’s a very long process. So basically in a farm, you have just rows and rows of tea plants. In April, the first shoots of ...
Much of Japan's renowned ... has been harvesting tea in this remote mountain area for over 130 years. Today, even at the age of 90, Nakanishi Sachiko tends to the farm daily.
SHIZUOKA—Long the top tea-growing prefecture in Japan, Shizuoka has been surpassed ... 3 percent more than it did in 2023, according to farm ministry statistics released on Feb. 18.
And while this bright green powder takes a few seconds to dissolve in water, it takes an entire year to grow. Jintaro Yamamoto runs a 180-year-old tea farm, one of the oldest in Uji, Japan.