The heartwarming moment a dog was left confused by her own wagging tail has melted hearts online. In a video with over 1 ...
The friendliest dogs at the shelter are usually the first to find loving, forever homes, but sometimes that’s not the case.
Dogs form very strong bonds with their family members, but can they remember their loved ones after a long time away?
As Rhonda and Amber proved, the best thing you can do for a rescue dog is give them the time and patience they need to decompress. As comfort grows, so will their curiosity and personality. Before you ...
Why do cats wag their tails? Cats are extremely expressive, and much of what they are expressing comes from their tail.
On a monthly basis, Punxsutawney Area School District students and staff are now greeted by some wet noses and wagging tails ...
The West End Library in Laurelton announced two dog training programs starting this March, led by Library Director and certified American Kennel Club (AKC) evaluator, Wendy Rote.