Artavia, a 2,800-acre master-planned community in Conroe, has announced the opening of a new community entryway on Hwy. 1314.
A former ICE deportation officer from Spring who transported more than $700,000 in what he believed was drug money may face ...
The city of Conroe is seeking to settle a lawsuit against the San Jacinto River Authority a decade after it challenged the rates of surface water.
A new list on the most desirable suburbs in America puts one buzzy Houston-area city in the top 20: According to a recent ...
City Council deferred the decision to consolidate its work session and action meetings until a future meeting to allow for ...
The classical musicians will take the stage on March 8 at the Young Texas Artists (YTA) Music Competition Finalists’ Concert ...
It’s too bad Burger King’s is associated with the tagline “Have It Your Way,” because boaters on Lake Conroe are certainly ...
According to a social media post, 14-year-old Avery Cantu and 16-year-old Renee Carmona have been reported missing to the ...
HIALEAH, Fla. – A distraught South Florida pet owner never gave up hope of being reunited with her lost dog. The beloved ...
CONROE, Texas — Board members with the Conroe Independent School District were set to vote on a measure that would end the ...
Conroe ISD is scrapping plans to end its dual language program after parents have been fighting the school district to keep ...