Colon polyps are growths that occur on the inner ... “Early polyps often look like a small pimple,” Dr. Mays says—so small that if you had one, you almost certainly wouldn’t know it.
Family history.Certain genetic conditions can run in families that can increase the risk of developing polyps and colon cancer ... Watch for symptoms like rectal bleeding or a change in your ...
The risk for colorectal cancer was associated with the frequency of colorectal polyp diagnoses in relatives in a study based ...
Colorectal cancer can seem a lot like some common gastrointestinal (GI ... and make your stool look bloody or black. You could also see blood in the toilet or on tissue if you have hemorrhoids ...
Study reveals a higher frequency of polyp diagnoses in relatives increases the risk of colorectal cancer, especially ...
This study adds to the growing field of epigenetics, which looks at how our ... the risk of developing colon polyps went up by 16%. Surprisingly, common risk factors like body weight and smoking ...
One way to be screened is through a procedure called colonoscopy, where a physician examines your colon with a camera to look for precancerous ... “I discover polyps in patients like you only ...
St. Luke's Hospital is using artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can help doctors find early signs of Colon Cancer.
But remember, colon cancer is a potentially preventable cancer. We want to identify those patients who have high risk lesions like ... of polyps and cancer, and that when we look at a diet ...
People with first-degree relatives who were repeatedly diagnosed with colorectal polyps appeared at increased risk for ...