Rosary Meditations Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church On October 7 ... The Rosary draws from the Gospel the presentation of the mysteries and its main formulas . As it moves from the ...
In many Catholic families ... A meditation on the Luminous Mysteries did not appear in Holy Rosary, but throughout his life St. Josemaría lovingly contemplated and preached on these scenes ...
It stands for modernity, and modernity supports liberation and freedom. The new mysteries of the Rosary, called "Mysteries of Light," are a message of enlightenment in their own right. They are called ...
Knowing that the prayers and mysteries of the rosary come from ... because he says he is a Catholic or speaks at a Catholic event. Rosary-packing Catholics recognize the sound of truth and vote ...
Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him . . . and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" (Mt 3: 13, 17). In ...
Archbishop John Wilson gave a keynote talk on St Oscar Romero and the Rosary at the launch of his latest book: The Romeo ...
They were anti-Catholic in the extreme ... And thus, the Holy Rosary, a meditation on Christ’s life through 15 distinct mysteries, was born. Dominic and his followers began to spread this ...
This strange tale, originally told by Gerald of Wales in his 12th century text “Topographia Hibernica” (Topography of Ireland), is one of many related with relish by Catholic editor and writer ...
The rosary beads were found wrapped round ... and left "trailing down their leg". "This would be a Catholic thing... it's a mystery," he said. "There could be several reasons for it, it could ...
Rosary beads close ... by Buddhists and Roman Catholic Christians. are an aid to worship that focus on a set order of prayers. The Annunciation. Fruit of the Mystery: Humility.
Praying the rosary is a Catholic ritual. It’s done by holding ... one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into ...