Batman: The Animated Series is home to some of the best fight scenes in DCs animated history. Known for its mature storytelling, striking animation, and deep character development, Batman ...
Since his comic book debut in 1939's "Detective Comics" #27, Batman has become nothing short of a pop culture icon. Not only has he stood at the forefront of the DC Comics brand, taking part in ...
You can’t have a movie titled Batman v Superman without there being a scene that shows, well, Batman fighting Superman. At about six minutes, it’s a clash that doesn’t overstay its welcome ...
Batman: The Animated Series explores Bruce Wayne's parents' death through hallucinations, reinforcing his trauma. Batman Beyond's heartbreaking deaths include Mr. Freeze sacrificing himself and ...
Readers are now roughly halfway through the first arc of writer Tom Taylor and artist Mikel Janin’s run on Detective Comics, ...