The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, the iconic pilot and ... sea expedition that they stumbled upon ...
Dozens, if not hundreds, of questions come to mind at the mention of Amelia ... discovered, and those that can have formed a close community that understands the magnitude of the Deep Sea Vision ...
Amelia Earhart's legacy as a daring aviator and her mysterious disappearance has captured the world's imagination for nearly nine decades. DSV's recent discovery not only revitalizes interest in ...
Researchers from the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) believe that a skeleton discovered ... castaway was Amelia Earhart but it is a significant new data point that ...
The photo, which will be featured in a new History channel special called "Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence," was discovered in the National Archives more than 80 years after her death.
A former US intelligence officer believes he may have found the wreckage of Amelia Earhart's plane. His team used a $9 million submersible that picked up a sonar image during a 100-day expedition.
Archaeologist Richard Pettigrew is leading a new expedition to find out what happened to Amelia Earhart. The famed aviator, along with her navigator Fred Noonan, disappeared nearly 90 years ago.
On July 2, 1937, aviator Amelia Earhart made radio contact ... crashed into the Pacific Ocean, killing Earhart and Noonan. Others though believe that new clues a stranger fate.
OAKLAND AIRPORT, OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 12, 1935 (UP) - Amelia Earhart brought her trim red monoplane to earth at 4:30 P.M., New York time, today, completing the first solo flight ever made between ...