making it the biggest single contributor to sea level rise worldwide. Ancylonema algal species bloom on ice patches, called ablation zones, which are exposed as the snow line recedes on the ice ...
SeaWorld San Diego says rescuers are currently treating nine sea lions that were poisoned with domoic acid; one of the marine ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
An unusually high number of disoriented marine mammals, sickened by a toxic algae bloom, is being found along Southern ...
In some places, the underside of the sea ice looks like giant green clouds. These are the 'grass meadows' of Antarctica, made ...
A toxic algal bloom leaving an increasing number of marine ... MMCC asked the public not to approach sick dolphins or sea lions on the beach because they can become aggressive upon awakening ...
More than 50 sickened adult sea lions have been found on beaches ... indicating they had ingested food poisoned by a toxic algae bloom off Malibu. Officials said the bloom produced by a species ...
Dozens of sea lions have shown up sick on L.A. County shores in the last week. The mammals have signs of domoic acid toxicosis — that’s when algal blooms put out a harmful neurotoxin that can ...
The center suspects the sea lions have been sickened by domoic acid from a recent algal bloom. “Though we have not confirmed the cause for these animals’ illness, their signs and the recent ...
Toxic algae off the coast of Malibu is likely sickening sea lions, causing the large marine mammals to experience seizures and comatose states, according to a nonprofit wildlife rehabilitation ...