Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur is a senior secondary school in Kannur, Kerala, India. The school has two campuses in Kannur. The foundation stone for Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Cannanore was laid by H.H. Swami Chinmayananda on 3 February 1977. In 1989 it grew to a full-fledged secondary high school affiliated with the CBSE, New Delhi. In Augus…Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur is a senior secondary school in Kannur, Kerala, India. The school has two campuses in Kannur. The foundation stone for Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Cannanore was laid by H.H. Swami Chinmayananda on 3 February 1977. In 1989 it grew to a full-fledged secondary high school affiliated with the CBSE, New Delhi. In August 1989 Vidyalaya was upgraded into the Senior Secondary level. Students were admitted to the science stream on a merit basis. A commerce stream was introduced in 1995.